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Gospel: Jesus Appears Again and Shares A Meal

Today marks the Third Sunday of Easter and the Gospel passage for today's reading will be lifted from the account of St Luke (tap here for the complete Mass readings from USCCB). On the start of the third week of Easter, we continue to hear Gospel accounts of Jesus' appearances to his disciples followimg his Resurrection. Today's reading, taken from the Gospel of St Luke, follows immediately after the report of Jesus' appearance to his disciples on the road to Emmaus. This is the event being recounted by the disciples in the opening verse of today's Gospel. Consistently in the reports of Jesus' post-Resurrection appearances, Jesus greets his disciples with the words, "Peace be with you." This is the most appreciate greeting. The disciples have witnessed the death of someone they loved, and they now fear for their own lives as well. Peace is what they need more than anything else. Jesus often connects his greeting of peace with another gift -- forgiven...

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