Gospel: Epiphany of the Lord

Today is Epiphany Sunday, and the Gospel reading for the Eucharistic celebration will be lifted from the account of St Matthew (tap here for the full Mass readings from USCCB).

The visit of the Magi occurs directly before the story of the Holy Family's flight into Egypt. St Matthew's Gospel tells a version of Jesus' birth that is different than the one narrated in St Luke's. Of the actual birth of Jesus, St Matthew tells us little more than, "When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King
Herod . . ." The story of the census is found only in St Luke's Gospel, but we hear about the visit of the Magi only in St Matthew's account of his Infancy Narrative.

We know very little about the Magi. They come from the East and journey to Bethlehem, following an astrological sign, so we believe them to be astrologers. We assume that there were three Magi based upon the naming of their three gifts. The Gospel does not say how many Magi paid homage to Jesus. In St Matthew's Gospel, they represent the Gentile's search for a savior. Because the Magi represent the entire world, they also represent our search for Jesus.

We have come to consider the gifts they bring as a foreshadowing of Jesus' role in salvation. We believe the meaning of the gifts to be Christological. Gold is presented as representative of Jesus' kingship. Frankincense is a symbol of divinity because priests burn the substance in the Temple. Myrrh, which was used to prepare the dead for burial, is offered in anticipation of Jesus' death.

The word Epiphany means "manifestation" or "showing forth." Historically, several moments in Christ's early life and ministry have been celebrated as "epiphanies," including his birth in Bethlehem, the visit of the Magi, his baptism by St John the Baptist, and his first miracle at Cana.


Picture from Pexels.


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