Gospel: The Transfiguration of the Lord

The Second Sunday of Lent brings us to the Gospel reading according to St Matthew where Jesus brought Peter, and the brothers James the Greater and John the Beloved up the mountain, where they witnessed the transfiguration. Jesus' face became as bright as the sun and his garments white as snow. Then they saw Him talking to Moses and Elijah, after which Peter said to Jesus to allow them to build three tabernacles, one for each of them. And while Peter was still talking, a cloud overshadowed them and a voice came out saying: This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him. The three apostles fell down to their face and were very afraid. Then Jesus told them to arise and fear not, seeing only Jesus. And He told them not to tell anybody of what happened until His resurrection.

The transfiguration tells us of the Old Testament being fulfilled in Jesus. For the Jews, Moses and Elijah are the two prophets that were very much revered. Moses received the ten commandments from God, and Elijah was taken up into heaven through a burning chariot. It is also written as a prophecy that Elijah will come first before the Messiah manifests himself to the people of Israel.

The first response of Peter when he saw this was to ask Jesus to build tabernacles for all of them. A tabernacle in Jewish tradition is a place of worship. It is in the eyes of Peter that he thought that the final moment is already happening. He thought that the redemption of the people of Israel is already taking place.

And yet, the glorious moment was interrupted by a loud voice announcing Jesus as God's Son to whom we should listen to. It is in this fashion that God gives the new covenant through Jesus. As a Christian, it is Jesus to whom we place our hope on; it is Jesus word's that we eat through the Eucharist; and it is through Jesus that we will experience the promises of Easter.

In today's world, it is easy for all of us to be distracted. Who are we listening to? Are we just listening to a man's interpretation of his own? Are we very busy enjoying the comforts of technology that we forget to reflect on our own to find ourselves? Or are we feasting in Jesus' words?

This Lenten season, let us allow ourselves to be immersed into the Lord's passion by listening to his teachings. Let us ask Jesus to point us the way through prayers. Be generous, and admit that we are all sinners who needs redemption through Jesus.



The Gospel Reflection is sponsored by Colgate Palmolive.


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