Gospel: The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Today marks the Fifth Sunday of Easter, and the Gospel reading for today's Eucharistic celebration is lifted from the Gospel according to St John (tap here for today's Mass readings from USCCB).

The readings for the last few Sundays have been about the Resurrection, but today's Gospel takes us back in time to an event in Jesus' life before his Passion. Jesus tells his disciples that he is going to prepare a place for them in the Father's house. He promises that where he is going, his disciples will be able to follow. St Thomas, who will later doubt the disciples' reports that they have seen the Risen Lord, contradicts Jesus by saying that the disciples don't know where Jesus is going, or how to get there. Jesus explains that he himself is the way, the truth, and the life. In knowing and loving Jesus, the disciples now love God the Father.

St Philip then makes a request by that challenges Jesus' words. St Philip wants Jedus to show the Father to the disciples. Recall that Jesus has just told his disciples, "If you follow me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and you have seen him." As a good teacher, Jesus responds to St Philip by repeating and elaborating on what he has just told the disciples: they have seen and known Jesus, so they have seen and known the Father. Then Jesus offers another reassurance about his departure: because of faith in God and in Jesus, the disciples will do the work that Jesus has done and more.

The connection between Jesus and his Father, between Jesus' work andvthe work of the Father, is made clear in today's Gospel. Jesus is in the Father, and God the Father is in Jesus. As God spoke his name to Moses, "I am," so too Jesus speaks his name to his disciples: "I am the way, the truth, and the life."

This revelation of the Most Holy Trinity is completed in the passage that follows today's reading, and it is the Gospel for next Sunday. Because Jesus goes away, the Father will send in Jesus' name the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will continue the work ofvthe Father and Jesus.


The Chapter is sponsored by Burberry men's watch.


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