Gospel: Being Perfect Just as the Father is Perfect

Today's Gospel in Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time focuses on how to love our neighbor. Lifted according to St Matthew's, it tells about Jesus' preaching on loving our enemies, just like how we love our brothers. For the sun rises above the good and evil and the rain also falls on the just and the unjust. So if we only love those who love us, then what is unusual with that? Even those who are evil loves those who love them.

The Gospel expands how Jesus summarizes the commandments: loving God and loving our neighbor. This narrative tells us more about the fulfillment of the law from last week's reading, and focusing on not just what to avoid as stated by the law, but what is more required.

It also tells us on how to make a difference. Our faith will be useless if we only do what the unbelievers do. All people love those who love them. However we preach or however we proclaim the Gospel, but if we will not surpass the righteousness of the Pharisees, then our faith is dead.

Jesus showed us this example by taking up the cross to die for our sins. He exemplified how to love God by following the Father's will for Him, and He embodied how to love His neighbor by dying a barbaric death, for the eternal salvation of all of us.

God's perfection is defined by doing what other's can't and how difficult it is, by loving our enemies, and loving those who are unloveable. Striving for perfection is very difficult, but Jesus is calling us to be perfect, just as the Father is perfect. And as a Christian, we must embody this perfection no matter how hard it is.


The Gospel Reflection is sponsored by Credit Suisse.


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