Gospel: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

In today's Gospel, the reading was lifted from Luke where Jesus was brought to the Temple by his parents to fulfill the custom according to the Law of Moses, in which it was written that every first born male child must be consecrated to the Lord. And as Jesus was presented according to what the Law required, there was a man named Simeon, filled with the Holy Spirit, who was an upright and devout man and was looking forward to the restoration of Israel. And when he gazed upon the child Jesus, he was so consoled that what he has hoped for will be fulfilled by the Lord before his death.

The Gospel tells us two important things: the Messianic mission of the Lord and the sword that will pierce the soul of Mary. For many Jews, the messianic mission refers to the unity of divided Kingdoms of Israel, Judah and Galilee, and for their freedom from the clasp of the Roman empire, for the glory of Israel that was once tasted through the kingship of David where they finally won over the stolen Ark of the Covenant to conquer Jerusalem.

But Simeon also talked about the sword that will pierce the soul of Mary "so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare." And for us Christians, we know this to be very true, that the true Messianic role of Jesus, the very essence of his public ministry, is to die on the cross for the service to others, and from this death He shall rose from for the resurrection of others too. And we know how difficult and painful it is for any mother to see her own Son slowly dying in a barbaric manner.

And amid many pain, troubles, and loneliness, the Gospel also tells us another thing: that God will also console us in these times, when everything seems dark and perilous; and we only have to hope in the Lord.


Picture from Pixabay.


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