Fiction Writing 101

Fiction writing is the composition of non-prose text. It is often produced as a story meant to entertain or convey an author's point of view. The result of this may be a short story, novel, novella, screenplay, or drama which are all types (although not exclusive) of fictional writing styles.

There are five main elements of fiction which includes characterization, plot (and climax), setting, theme, and writing style. A character is a participant in the story and is usually a person but may be any persona, identity, or entity whose existence originates from a fictional work or performance.

The plot, or storyline, is the rendering and ordering of the events and actions of the story. Starting with the initiating event, then the rising action, conflict, climax, falling action, and ending with a possible resolution.

The climax of the novel consists of a single action-packed sentence in which the conflict (problem) of the novel is resolved. This sentence comes towards the end of the novel. The main part of the action should come before the climax.

The setting is the locale and time of the story. The setting is often a real place, but may be a fictitious city or a country within our own world; a different planet; or an alternate universe, which may or may not be similar to our own. It is basically where and when the story takes place.

Theme is what the author is trying to tell the reader. This is sometimes referred to as the morale of the story, while style refers to the unique voice of the author which may include tactical choices of grammar, punctuation, word usage, sentence and paragraph length and structure, tone, the use of imagery, chapter selection and titles.


Picture from Pexel.


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