Gospel: Being Meek Like A Child

Today marks the Feast of the Sto. Niño in the Philippines. It is celebrated on the next Sunday after the Baptism of the Lord in the Liturgical Calendar of the Regional Conference of Bishops.

The Gospel Reading is according to St Matthew where Jesus was asked by the apostles and answered the question, "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?"

Let us focus our reflection on Jesus' response. First, He said that unless we turn and become like children, we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So now we ask, what is it like to be a child? To be a child is to be weak and helpless. To be a child is to trust his parents to take care of his needs. A child is like a sheep that needs to be shepherded to the right way, and he needs to be obedient in order to arrive there.

Second, Jesus said that we need to be humble like a child. Humility is about being able to take corrections from our parents, being able to admit our mistakes when we are reprimanded. Such is the most admirable trait of a godly child.

Third, Jesus said that those who receives a child like this in His name, receives Jesus Himself. It means that if people are expressing their devotion to the Lord in whatever way or expression in which they actualize their faith, in obedience and humility for the Lord, we should not make judgments of them.


Picture from Pexel.


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