Gospel: Fishers of Men

Today's Gospel is according to St Matthew where Jesus retreat to Capernaum from Nazara after the arrest of John the Baptist, and there called the apostles Simon Peter and Andrew, and John the Apostle and James the Greater to become fishers of men, while Jesus is proclaiming to repent for sins for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

The reading recalls the start of the public ministry of Jesus as He start to proclaim the good news and cure illnesses. He started to manifest the coming reign of God by showing mercy and compassion especially to those who need it. But He did not do it alone. He called his apostles to help Him in this ministry by calling them fishers of men.

The overflowing of God's love cannot be contained in one man alone. The grace of God has to be shared. It needs to be shared. To be fishers of men is to become witnesses to this love, to become sharers of light to vanquish the darkness in the world. Jesus made this journey to Capernaum to fulfill the prophecy of the Prophet Isaiah.

Are we being called by God? How do we respond when we hear the voice of God? Are we willing to share the light of Jesus so that others will also see?

May the great example that Jesus has shown give us hope and make us love our neighbor even more, increase our faith in God, and make us all fisher of men, in Jesus name. Amen.


The Gospel reflection is sponsored by Dior.


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